Bad Guys Doing Good

Troop Report – Astor Theatre – Star Wars: Original Trilogy Marathon

EVENT: Astor Theatre – Star Wars: Original Trilogy Marathon

VENUE: Astor Theatre, St Kilda

DATE/TIME: 27 February 2021, 12pm

EVENT TYPE: Community



TB-12590 AJ.1900 (Andrew)
TI-13114 Huuahh (Aneesh)
TI-74377 Sithspit (Piers)
ID-11684 Kellee
TI-14780 wldcrd (Glenn)
CT-71857 CT Mac (Greg)


“Imperial intelligence relayed plans for a demonstration of historical records of galactic history circa 0-4 ABY, necessitating the deployment of a specialised recon team to investigate.”

With COVID restrictions easing in Victoria in early 2021, the Astor Theatre planned to screen a marathon session of the original Star Wars trilogy for local audiences. Knightfall Garrison was asked to help provide entertainment and photo opportunities for the crowd as they entered the theatre.

After arriving and gearing up, we decided to cover the ground floor and split into three groups of two, with two pilots outside the front entrance, an officer and scout trooper keeping the ticket desk company, and another pilot and clone trooper holding the fort near the upper theatre access stairway.

The event was relaxed and good fun, with a number of photos taken by the attendees and passersby entertained outside the entrance. After an hour of trooping the lobby emptied and we finished up as the movie marathon began (we also saw a number of people wisely bringing pillows!).

A great event for all involved, and the Astor staff were grateful for our support!

INJURIES: None to report.

ARMOUR REPAIRS: None reported.



Statistics: Posted by CT Mac — Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:02 pm — Replies 1 — Views 14

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